Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Future of Video Games = ONLIVE

I have to say, I'm not a video gamer by any means. The last system I owned was a Sega Genesis back in the mid 90's. I was pretty awesome at the hockey games. Now as someone who hasn't been playing video games for a long time now, I have come accross a new gaming system that I feel has the chance to really change game play, and the demographics of players. It is a cloud server based system. This means that you don't large consoles. It will allow you to play games on your PC, or Mac, with a simple software plugin, or on your television with a micro console. It's called Onlive, and I feel it is the future of gaming.

Why is Onlive such a great innovation? It's simple. The system allows gamers to be able to play games from their laptops, anywhere there is a broadband connection available. This means that adults can play on their lunch break, on business trips, or even while the boss isn't watching (not recommended). Kids and teens will be able to play games without the need for expensive computers or consoles. Onlive will be able to work fine on any Windows '95 and newer computer, according to some reports. This means that people of just about any socioeconomic background will be able to play games of the same magnitude as each other.

When will this new system come out? Well, Onlive beta testing is scheduled to begin this coming summer, with the official public release coming this winter. I'm looking forward to it, even though I'm not a huge gamer. Are you?

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