Friday, March 20, 2009

Green Technology will Finally Work

It seems like the country has been trying to go "green" for the past 25 years. Year in, and year out we hear about the future which includes electric cars, solar power, wind power, advanced hybrids (like the Aptera 2e), less reliance on oil, and energy efficient appliances. Finally I believe we have a president and an administration in Washington who is seriously trying to put this country on a "Green" Path.

Going green certainly won't be easy. However, doing so will put less pressure the US economy and cause less destruction to the environment. If we can rely more heavily on solar, wind, natural gas and electric power rather then oil, it will make the United States more independent as an economy. If there is such a thing as reverse globalization, then this would be it. The more independent the US economy is, the better.

Global warming is another topic in the news a lot lately. Supposedly the environment is getting worse then we had expected. Sure, we won't live to see the devestating effects, but do we really want the Human race to end one day because of things that could have been avoided?

I'm looking for Obama to Go Green and set this country on a path that other presidents will follow. Let's all do our part.

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