Tuesday, June 30, 2009
How to get a Mortgage Loan with Bad Credit
Are you like the millions of people out there that have been hit extremely hard by the economic downturn? Are you looking for a new home but you have terrible credit because of the unexpecting events of the economy? Well there are ways to get a bad credit mortgage loan, believe it or not! First it starts with rebuilding your credit. You should have at least one credit card that you use for almost all your purchases. Forget using cash, use your credit card for everything. However with this said, make sure you never spend more then you can afford. Keep track of your expenditures and make sure you never over spend. Each month when you get your credit card bill, make sure you pay off the entire balance. This will show that you are a responsible person. Thats what creditors like. This is the number one step in rebuilding your bad credit, so that you are on your way to getting a mortgage loan.
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